Welcome to the Romer-Sensky Family Cookbook—the online edition.

Before we dive into the recipes, a word from our loving and dedicated cookbook founder:

Dear Family and Friends,

In the beginning, there was Adam and Eve.  Of course, they ate the apple.  Shortly after this, the Romer family discovered that apples, like almost everything else, tastes better with sugar.  Thus began the family quest for delectable recipes.  It is no accident that almost every cookie and donut/sweet roll recipe in this book stems from Grandma Ida Romer and our mother.

In 1985, I learned a new rule of cooking upon joining the Sensky family.  Food tastes better in bulk.  With the Sensky clan, quantity matters. You’ll notice that many of the recipes attributed to the Senskys can easily be cut in half for a normal crew.  The other major Sensky rule … add tomatoes!  Other important food lessons have been learned as our families have grown.   We now have Aunt Elizabeth’s famous apple pie and Julia’s wonderful homemade macaroni and cheese, to name a few.  We can all guess where the venison recipes originated, Tim has discovered the grill, and Lisa is teaching us Filipino cuisine.  Finally, for all things Schroeder, just add a can of mushroom soup!

This fifth-edition recipe book represents a tremendous collaboration of family members and friends who appreciate eating.  Few of these recipes can be attributed to me.  Those of you who remember my stints as a writer will not be surprised that I still take credit for this book. After all, a famous author once said, “When you take stuff from one writer it’s called plagiarism, but when you take it from many writers, it’s called research.”  I think this applies to collecting recipes as well.  Originality points do go out to contributors for some interesting recipe titles like “Grandma Hart’s Funeral Cake” and “Better than Sex Cake.”  Speaking of research, most of the following recipes have been well tested. More cookie dough has crossed my family’s lips than ever made it into an oven, and the Sensky boys should open a pasta factory.

Well, enjoy yourself.  Please feel free to contact the Chef if problems arise mid-recipe.  If it’s not my recipe, I’ll try to direct you to the proper cook.  And, one final note, when in doubt, add a teaspoon of sugar!

Yours in food and love,





One more thing before you start cooking > read Jacqui's 25 Basic Rules of cooking.