Caramel Flan


1 1/3 cups sugar 1/3 cup water


2 cups milk 4 eggs plus 1 yolk

1 cup sugar 2 tsp. vanilla

Directions:  Prepare caramel first.  Put sugar and water in a saucepan over 

moderately high heat until the syrup turns a nice golden brown; stirring constantly.  

Remove from heat and add ¼ cup hot water.

For flan, mix milk, eggs, sugar, and vanilla well with a whisk.  Line small individual, 

greased porcelain molds with the caramel.  Add the flan mixture.  Put molds into a 

brownie pan half-filled with water.  Bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes, until 

firm.  Remove and cool.  May be de-molded or eaten as is.
