Nectarine Sauce

2 T. olive oil      ¼ onion, finely chopped

1 nectarine, chopped (substitute peach or mango)

2 T. Dalmatia fig spread      1 cup white wine

1 tsp. garlic      1 T. lemon juice

½ green pepper, finely chopped


Directions:  Put the olive oil in a saucepan and heat.  Add onion and saute until just 

brown.  Add crushed garlic and saute for a minute.  Add white wine, lemon juice, 

green pepper, and nectarine.  Add pepper to taste.  

On medium heat, simmer to reduce mixture by half.  Add fig spread and let the entire 

mixture simmer a couple of minutes to allow the fig spread to blend in.  Serve over 

grilled beef or venison.

Comment:  An Eric favorite on beef or venison steaks.