
2 lbs. sausage (sausage made from 9 lbs. smoked

pork hocks, 3 lbs. pork roast, 1 large onion, 1 tsp. 


2 cups pinhead oats

Directions:  First make the sausage.  Brown the meats, finely chopped onion and salt 

together.  Drain, but save the broth/grease.  

Grind together the meats/onion mixture.  Cook the pinhead oats in the broth.  

Mix together to cooked oats and ground meats into a meat loaf.  Chill until firm.  

Slice.  Brown in skillet.  Serve with maple syrup.

Comment:  This sounds nasty.  However, it tastes great!  This is Grandma Ida 

Romer’s recipe for homemade grits.