Romer Dough

2 pkg. yeast  

1 cup lukewarm water

2/3 cup sugar  

1 cup lukewarm milk

1 tsp. salt  

2 eggs

½ cup butter or margarine  

7 cups flour

Powdered sugar

Directions:   Pour water over yeast.  Let stand 10 minutes.  Cream butter, sugar, salt.  

Add eggs.  Add milk to yeast and 3 cups flour.  Add butter mixture and remaining 

flour.  Knead smooth and let rise until double.  Knead again, put into pans and let 

rise second time.

For Twisters:  Cut dough into strips, twist.  Deep fry for 3-4 minutes.  Roll in 

powdered sugar.

For Rolls:  Spread dough with butter, powdered sugar and cinnamon.  Roll like 

jellyroll.  Cut in 2-inch pieces.  Place in greased pan.  Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 

minutes.  Ice with powdered sugar and milk.

Comment:  Grandma Romer’s famous twisters.